What is Greek Sex?

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In ancient Greek mythology, sex was considered an essential aspect of life. Even the gods indulged in sexual rapture and pleasure.

Men masturbated regularly in ancient Greece, and the playwright Aristophanes portrayed male-male anal sex. Male prostitutes were also common and the services they provided were taxed in ancient Athens.


In ancient Greek culture, men enjoyed relationships with young boys. This was not seen as sexual but rather as a form of mentorship. The older man, known as an erastes, pursued the younger boy, called an eromenos. The relationship was a mix of mentoring, teaching and sex. Pederasty was common throughout the city-states of ancient Greece, though it varied by region. In Sparta, for instance, the practice was condoned and even encouraged. In Plato’s philosophical dialogues, it is implied that Socrates himself was a pederast.

This type of relationship was also popular in Greek mythology. The most famous example is the story of Zeus and Ganymede, a mortal shepherd boy who becomes enamored with the god and is whisked away to Olympus. In modern times, the term pederasty is sometimes used to describe pedophilia, or homosexual abuse of pre-pubescent males.

The Romans were not as open to the ways of the Greeks and had a much more restrictive view of pederasty. They were more likely to see such relationships as sinful, but they would be forgivable if the male was a slave and the woman was a freeborn female. Self-identified pederasts today often describe their relationships in terms reminiscent of Greek love and may include erotic intercourse with their young partners, though anal is less commonly involved. Quantitative attempts to analyze the prevalence of these relationships and their effects have returned mixed results.

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Kissing is one of the most intimate sexual practices. During foreplay it can boost arousal and help you feel closer to your partner. It can also increase pleasure during sex. The Greek kiss, which involves licking and caringssing the anus with the tongue, is another way to enhance arousal during sex. It is a practice that was first introduced in Ancient Greece. It is a technique that can be enjoyed by both men and women.

Heterosexual men often find themselves turned on by the idea of having anal sex with a woman. This is because they want to engage in a sexual encounter that is free from the need to procreate. In addition, they are attracted to the fact that a woman who is willing to engage in this type of sex will likely be sexually adventurous.

The hetaerae, or Greek women prostitutes, were renowned for their sexual freedom. They were not confined to the home and were free to engage in any number of sexual relationships, including sodomy. The hetaerae were also well-known for their prowess in the bedroom and often exhibited in public. They arose out of the Hellenic culture that valued love, integrity and honor. Unlike the Romans, the Classical Greeks did not have a concept of sin, and they viewed sexual desires as natural.

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Anal Sex

In ancient Greek culture, anal sex was a common expression of love and desire between men. The sex involves penetration of the anus, which is why it is often referred to as “Greek love”.

Anal sex can be a rewarding experience, but you should remember that it’s not for everyone. If you’re new to anal, try easing into it by experimenting with positions and sex toys that feel good to you. You may also want to focus on pleasure, rather than orgasm, as goal-oriented sex puts a lot of pressure on you and your partner.

If you’re doing anal, it’s best to use lube. This will reduce friction and prevent tears in the anal sphincter. Also, you should urinate frequently and have a bowel movement shortly after anal sex to remove any bacteria that might enter the body.

Heterosexual men are most aroused by anal sex with women, but you can also get aroused by anal sex between two men or between a man and his pet dog. In fact, anal sex is on the rise for heterosexual men, which is interesting because it was once a taboo practice.

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Sexual Intercourse

The ancient Greeks were pioneers in philosophy, politics, art and many other fields. But they also had some sexual practices that today may seem strange. For example, they viewed having sexual encounters with men as a form of worship of the goddess Aphrodite.

The Greeks also had a different approach to masturbation than most cultures do today. They did not view it as a sin, but rather a natural part of life. It was a way to relieve sexual frustration and to keep the body healthy. Masturbation was also a common practice among slaves and other people lower on the social hierarchy.

In addition to masturbation, the ancient Greeks had a more open attitude towards oral and anal sex. This was often portrayed in art and drama. Many vases depicted satyrs, nymphs and other animals masturbating. It was sometimes even performed by women. In fact, a famous cynic philosopher caused quite the scandal when he masturbated publicly.

The Greeks also did not see sexual pleasure as a sin, although they praised moderation. They did not believe that morality or divine authority commanded the suppression of sexual desire. For this reason, they did not impose a taboo on having sexual pleasure with men or boys.

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